The name of the organization shall be New Day Fellowship Church. This organization was incorporated in the State of Mississippi in the year of our Lord 2013. It will be referred to hereinafter in these Bylaws and Statement of Faith as “this church”, “the church”, New Day Fellowship Church or NDFC.

The principal office of the church shall be located in Desoto County, MS.


The purpose of the church is drawn from the Scriptures focusing on the Great Commandment (Matthew 22:36-40) and the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20), emphasized in these five purpose statements from Acts 2:42-47.

Missions: “added to their number daily those who were being saved. (Acts 2:47)”

Magnification: “They devoted themselves to…breaking of bread and prayers…praising God.  (Acts 2:42; 47)”

Maturity: “They devoted themselves to the apostles teaching. (Acts 2:42)”

Membership: “…devoted … to the fellowship…all the believers were together…they ate together.”  (Acts 2:42; 44; 46)

Ministry: “They gave to anyone as he had need.”  (Acts 2:45).

New Day Fellowship Church is both a spiritual body and a non-profit corporation under the laws of the State of Mississippi. The church is subject to the authority of Scripture in all matters first and then subject to the rules of duly constituted public authority (Romans 13:1-7). The church organization is to provide the mechanism for the orderly activity of the church body.


3.1 The Church Officers

The Church Officers shall make up the Church Leadership Team.  The Church Leadership Team shall include the Senior Pastor, All Ministry Pastors and Ministry Directors, the Deacon Chairman and Deacon Vice Chairman, the Secretary and the Treasurer. 

The Church Officers shall have the authority to exercise all powers necessary for the operation of the Ministry, expressed or implied, which shall be necessary and proper to carry out all the executive functions, and all other powers both civil and ecclesiastical as it may determine. 

3.2 The Senior Pastor

Jesus is the Head of New Day Fellowship Church. (Colossians 1:18) Jesus is the Chief Shepherd of New Day Fellowship Church. (1 Peter 5:4)

The Senior Pastor is under the authority of the Chief Shepherd, Jesus, and, by affirmation of the church, leads the church spiritually to fulfill its vision and mission.

The Senior Pastor is the overseer of the total ministry of the church body. He shall be elected for an indefinite period of time and may terminate his position with the church by a notice of two weeks. The Senior Pastor is responsible for providing spiritual instruction and administrative leadership to the members, staff, and ministries of the church. The following Biblical qualifications must be met by any potential candidate for the position of Lead Pastor: 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:6-9; Acts 14:23; I Timothy 5:17; I Peter 5:1-4; Acts 20:28-32.

The Senior Pastor shall serve as the preacher and senior Bible teacher by virtue of his calling and position in the church. He shall conduct all the public services of worship and the general development of the church work shall be under his supervision. He shall be ex officio member of all committees. He shall serve as moderator over all church business.  

In his temporary absence, he shall arrange for a substitute preacher at all services. The Pastor shall have the full privilege of selecting the Evangelist and Worship Leaders for revivals, special conferences, etc.

Should the Senior Pastor perform an act that disqualifies him as a pastor according to Scripture, the church shall take appropriate action to remove him as pastor. Disqualifying actions include violating any of the pastoral qualifications listed in 1 Timothy 3 (in particular adultery, heretical teaching, embezzlement). At least 66% of the congregation must vote to remove the pastor in a vote that will be held with a seven-day notice given. The vote must be held on a Sunday morning.

In the event of a vacancy in the Senior Pastor Position, active deacons shall be responsible for selection of someone to fill the pulpit until the Pastor Search Committee is established.

When there is a vacancy in the Senior Pastor Position, a Pastor Search Committee shall be elected.  Each church member will have a two-week window to nominate up to 5 church members to serve in this capacity using a signed nomination form.  By submitting a nomination, the member is acknowledging that they have prayed about this decision and have spoken with the individual to verify their willingness to serve. If willing to serve, those who are nominated will then be placed on a ballot for church vote during a Morning Worship Service. The persons receiving the five highest numbers of votes shall serve until the vacancy is filled. The persons receiving the sixth and seventh highest numbers of votes shall serve as alternates to the search committee.  The alternates will attend all meetings of the committee but shall have no voting rights unless they have rotated on the committee to fill a vacancy.   No Ministerial Staff person may serve on the Pastor Search Committee.

Upon selection, the Senior Pastor Search Committee will elect a chairman and proceed with the task of finding God’s man to serve as the church’s new Senior Pastor. Once formed, the Pastor Search Committee will also be responsible for recommending an interim Pastor or interim pulpit supply. The committee must be unanimous in their selection before presenting a recommendation to the church. When the Senior Pastor Search Committee is ready to recommend a prospective candidate to serve as the Interim Pastor or new Senior Pastor, the church will receive a two-week notification to vote on their recommendation. The vote must take place during a Sunday service. The prospective Senior Pastor or Interim Pastor must receive at least a 75% favorable vote for the church to extend a call to him to become the new Senior Pastor or Interim Pastor.

3.3 Ministerial Church Staff/Support Staff


Recognizing both the impossibility of one individual being the primary spiritual caregiver for a growing church and the presence of multiple pastors in the New Testament Church, the Senior Pastor and Church Leadership Team may recommend to the church the hiring of an additional Ministry Pastor to assist in ministering to the body.  The Church shall call both ordained and non-ordained Minister Pastor(s), All paid staff positions must be voted upon by the church body during a business meeting as outlined in section 6.1 of these bylaws.  The Senior Pastor and Church Leadership Team may appoint Volunteer Ministry Director(s) and support staff to serve the body as they deem necessary.

When there is a vacancy in the Ministerial Church Staff, (Paid Ministry Pastor/Paid Staff) a Search Committee shall be elected. Each church member will have a two week window to nominate up to 5 individuals to serve in this capacity using a signed nomination form. By submitting a nomination, the member is acknowledging that they have prayed about this decision and have spoken with the individual to verify their willingness to serve. If willing to serve, those who are nominated will then be placed on a ballot for church vote during a Morning Worship Service. The persons receiving the five (5) highest numbers of votes shall serve until the vacancy is filled. If a vacancy should arise in this committee, the vacancy shall be filled in the same manner as listed above. The obligations of such committee shall be the same as listed in the Search Committee for a Senior Pastor and shall work in close conjunction with the Senior Pastor.

The requirements for Ministry Pastors are found in 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:7-9.  All Pastors not previously licensed and ordained will be licensed, ordained, and once called to office, become a member of the church.  It is not required that Ministry Directors (non-ministry pastors) be licensed or ordained.

All Ministry Pastors and Ministry Directors are extension of the Senior Pastor’s ministry. All ministerial staff members and Ministry Directors will be supervised by and accountable to the Senior Pastor. The Senior Pastor, in consultation with the Church Leadership Team, has the authority to dismiss “volunteer” Ministry Pastors and Ministry Directors if necessary.

Resignation:  At the time of resignation, at least a two-week notice will be given to the church. The Senior Pastor, in consultation with the Church Leadership Team, will work out the details of final compensation for the resigning staff member.

When there is a vacancy in a paid position of the Ministerial Church Staff, a Search Committee shall be elected. Each church member will have a two-week window to nominate up to 5 individuals to serve in this capacity using a signed nomination form. By submitting a nomination, the member is acknowledging that they have prayed about this decision and have spoken with the individual to verify their willingness to serve. If willing to serve, those who are nominated will then be placed on a ballot for church vote during a Morning Worship Service. The persons receiving the five (5) highest numbers of votes shall serve until the vacancy is filled. If a vacancy should arise in this committee, the vacancy shall be filled in the same manner as listed above. The obligations of such committee shall be the same as listed in the Search Committee for the Senior Pastor and shall work in close conjunction with the Senior Pastor.  

Notice of termination and dismissal by the church of any paid Ministerial Church Staff shall be the same as required for the Senior Pastor.  This action would take place during a business meeting with the Senior Pastor present and residing over such meeting.

3.4 The Secretary. The Church Leadership Team shall elect the Church Leadership Team Secretary. The Church Leadership Team Secretary shall keep minutes of the proceedings of the Church Leadership Team Meetings.  These records shall be kept at the principal office of the Ministry.

3.5 The Treasurer The Church Leadership Team shall elect a Treasurer. The Treasurer shall be the treasurer of the Ministry, and shall have custody of all moneys and securities of the Ministry and shall make an accounting of all of the Ministry transactions.  All checks, drafts or orders for the payment of money, notes, evidence of indebtedness issued in the name of the church shall be signed by agents of the church, in such manner as elected by the majority of the Church Leadership Team.   The Church Leadership Team shall appoint three agents to serve in this capacity.  All funds of the Ministry shall be deposited as required to the credit of the corporation in such banks, trust companies, or other depositories as the Church Leadership Team elect.  The Treasurer shall keep correct and complete financial records of all Ministry account(s). Any member, or agent may inspect all books and records of the Church, for any purpose at any reasonable time.  The treasurer shall be authorized to appoint persons to assist the Treasurer in carrying out the duties and functions of the Treasurer’s Office.  The Church Leadership Team shall approve these appointees.


The Church shall have a Deacon and Yokefellow ministry to aid in the ministry of the church.


The Responsibilities of the Deacon Body

The responsibilities and duties for deacons serving on the Active Deacon Body are found in accordance with God’s word.  Deacons will lead by serving. The word deacon literally means “servant.” Whenever the apostle Paul used the word deacon he was referring to an office of people within the church who were there to serve the church so the pastors could focus on prayer and the ministry of the word.  A Deacon should be supportive of the Senior Pastor and Ministerial Team as well as supportive of all ministries of New Day Fellowship Church.

The deacons are to serve the physical needs of the church as the Senior Pastor and Ministerial Team serve the spiritual needs of the church. This means, then, that the deacons are the servants in the church who perform and see after any needs the Senior Pastor or the church bring to their attention.  A definition of deacon, then, is: A servant of the church’s physical needs of her people. These needs are met through deed primarily rather than by word.

While the role of the deacon is a deed-based ministry meeting real physical needs of the church, the role also has a spiritual impact. The physical needs of the church are met so that the spiritual needs can also be met. (James 2:14-17)

The Work of the Deacon Body

Mercy Ministries: Meeting the physical needs of those inside and outside the church.  This includes, but is not limited to, visiting the sick, helping orphans and widows, helping single parent families, and meeting emergency physical needs. Mercy ministry is done in and out of the church.

Helps:  Deacons are to help the Senior Pastor in the ongoing tasks of the church. This includes, but is not limited to, the preparation of the Lord’s Supper, ushering and greeting before and after gatherings, keeping the building grounds in proper order and cleanliness, setting up equipment and chairs for special events and services, and also serving at special events and services.

The Relationship of Deacons and Pastors: A good pastoral staff/deacon body relationship will help the ministry of the Pastoral staff and Deacons exceed their own limitations.   Deacons are servants of the church working under the authority of the Senior Pastor.

Deacon Body Terms: Deacons elected to the Active Deacon Body shall serve a three-year term. After a deacon rotates off the Active Body, he must wait one year before he is eligible to be nominated for another term of service.  At no time will more than 25% of the Deacon Body rotate off. Rotations shall be based on number of votes received at original appointment to active Deacon status.  The Deacon with the lower number of votes shall rotate off first.  Deacons who do not rotate off to avoid more than 25% rotating off, shall rotate off the following year before Deacons who have served the Active Deacon Body for less time.  This would simply use a first in first out process.  If at anytime qualified or willing candidates are unavailable to serve, the Deacon Body shall cast votes by secret ballot to restore the necessary number of inactive deacons to active status.  The number reactivated would be the number required to achieve the totals listed below in these bylaws. The deacons shall serve under the leadership of the Senior Pastor as servants of the church and of Jesus Christ. They shall be faithful in their attendance to all regular church services and meetings. They shall also be faithful to practice tithing. They shall seek to be peacemakers who preserve the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace in the body of Christ.

In the case that a Deacon Body member’s life and conduct is not in accordance with the ministry of the church in that it hinders the ministry influence of the church in the community or is not in accordance with the church membership qualifications as outlined in section 7 of these bylaws, that Deacon will be put on a probationary hiatus until the Senior Pastor, in conjunction with the remaining members of the Deacon Body, make a decision for removal or reinstatement. This time will not exceed three months. If, for any reason, a Deacon Body member is unable to complete his duties, then the Senior Pastor and current Deacon Body members will nominate a man to fill the position. The nominee will be put forward for a vote of affirmation from the church membership.

Officers of the Active Deacon Body: Deacon officers will consist of the Chairman, Vice-Chairman, and Secretary. The Chairman shall preside at all deacon meetings. In case of his absence, the Vice Chairman will preside. The Secretary will keep a record of the minutes of all meetings of the Active Deacon Body.  In the regularly scheduled deacon’s meeting held in January, the members of the Active Deacon Body will nominate candidates to serve as Chairman, Vice-Chairman, and Secretary for the following year. The voting for all offices will be submitted by means of secret ballot during that meeting.

Meetings of the Active Deacon Body: Regular ministry meetings of the Active Deacon Body shall be held monthly. The Senior Pastor in consultation with the Chairman of Deacons may call special meetings. Ample notice of these meetings shall be given. A quorum of not less than 50% of the Active Deacon Body must be present at any meeting for business to be transacted.

Election of Deacons:  The qualifications for the office of Deacon, which must be met by all candidates are the following:

•at least 25 years of age

•meet the Biblical qualifications of 1 Timothy 3:8-13

•a member of New Day Fellowship Church for at least 1 year

•Regular and consistent tither

•Support the Senior Pastor and Ministry Staff

•In agreement with the mission and vision of NDFC

The Active Deacon Body shall be elected in the following manner:  The church family at large will nominate prospective deacons. The nominees will go through a screening and prayer process (not to exceed one month) to ensure their call and qualification to this office. The Senior Pastor and Ministerial Staff will conduct the screening process. Upon completion of this screening and prayer time, all approved nominees will be put forward to the church membership for a vote of affirmation of their call to serve as a Deacon of New Day Fellowship Church. The candidates receiving the most votes shall fill the open positions on the Deacon Body. 

The number of Deacons serving on the Active Deacon Body will start with 6 Deacons.  One additional Deacon will be added each year for the 2 next consecutive years until there are a total of 8 Deacons.  Thereafter, 1 Deacon will be added for every 100 members over 400.   Attendance will be analyzed annually.

Deacon’s Yokefellow Ministry: The Yokefellow Ministry is comprised of a group of men who serve alongside and under the nurturing supervision of the active Deacon body.  Yokefellows help Deacons in partnership with the Pastor and Ministry Staff to accomplish the pastoral ministries of the church. Yokefellows shall be selected by the Active Deacon body with approval of the Senior Pastor and Deacon Chairman.

A Yokefellow is a man who has the following characteristics:  desire for spiritual growth, attitude of humility, cares deeply about the future of God's Kingdom, shows servant leadership in the home, and a lifestyle that reflects well on the Savior and on His Church.

A Yokefellow differs from a Deacon.   He is not ordained, he serves only for a year which may be renewed annually. Some yokefellows may go on to become deacons, but some will not. Being a Yokefellow strengthens the impact of Deacon ministry and widens the circle of friendship and ministry in our church among Christian men.

The concept of being teamed with another person is a common teaching in the scripture. Like the Deacon, a Yokefellow is a servant of Jesus Christ and to the church to which he belongs.  A yokefellow should be supportive of the Senior Pastor and Ministerial Team as well as supportive of all ministries of New Day Fellowship Church.

4. NON-MINISTERIAL STAFF:  The Senior Pastor will have the authority to employ or terminate the services of non-ministerial staff. The Senior Pastor will employ such staff according to the guidelines of the church budget.  During the budget planning portion of the year, the Senior Pastor will meet with the Church Leadership Team to discuss the number and status of non-ministerial staff.


All committees shall be formed in such a way as to respond effectively and efficiently to the needs of the total membership of the church. Committees shall be formed as determined by the Senior Pastor and Church Leadership Team. The terms for ongoing committees shall date from the first Sunday of the church year. Special committees shall be established throughout the year as necessary to carry out specified tasks and tenure as defined in their formation.

Finance Committee:  The Finance Committee shall consist of five (5) members. They shall make recommendations in all financial matters of the church to the Senior Pastor and Church Leadership Team. They shall work in consultation with the Senior Pastor and Church Leadership Team to create, for approval, an inclusive annual budget.  The budget shall indicate items and amounts needed for all local and world mission ministry expenses.   The Finance Committee members shall be gifted in the areas of administration, personally obedient in financial support of the church, and display knowledge of the handling of financial matters. The Church Leadership Team shall appoint members of this committee.

Personnel Committee:  The Personnel Committee shall consist of three members.  These members shall not be members of the Finance Committee.  They shall be responsible for assisting the Senior Pastor in interviewing and making recommendations to the Church Leadership Team for filling non-ministerial staff positions. They shall assist the Senior Pastor in writing job descriptions and doing evaluations for non-ministerial church staff.  The Personnel Committee shall make recommendations to the Finance Committee for compensation to all paid staff, including annual raises and other payments.  They shall also consult with the Senior Pastor for input on compensation for other staff members excluding the Senior Pastor’s Compensation.  The Church Leadership Team shall nominate members of this committee.


Properties:  The Church properties shall be normally used only for the recognized services of the church.  Special use of the buildings, equipment, vehicles, and grounds shall be under the authorization and supervision of the Senior Pastor or his designee.

Concerning Property Usage, Events, and Beliefs:  As an organization of professing Christians, New Day Fellowship Church and her pastors only perform and allow the use of facilities under the church’s legal control for those individuals, events, weddings, and organizations that will further her mission and support her values and beliefs as stated in this document and in accordance with God’s Word. 

New Day Fellowship Church and her pastors only sanction and perform those wedding ceremonies between a naturally born man and woman who are both professing Christians who agree with our values and beliefs as stated in this document and in God’s Word.

The use of properties under New Day Fellowship Church’s legal control will be limited to such ceremonies.

All current and future employees of New Day Fellowship Church must be in agreement in both belief and lifestyle with the values and beliefs as stated in this document and in accordance with God’s Word. If at any time a current employee is not in agreement in both belief and lifestyle, then said employee will forfeit their right of employment.  All current and future members of New Day Fellowship Church must be in agreement in both belief and lifestyle with the values and beliefs as listed in this document and in God’s Word.

New Day Fellowship Church is both a spiritual body and a non-profit corporation under the laws of the State of Mississippi. The church is subject to the authority of Scripture in all matters and subject to the rules of duly constituted public authority (Romans 13:1-7). The church organization is to provide the mechanism for the orderly activity of the church body.


Church Leadership Team:  The Church Leadership Team shall meet on a monthly basis as needed to conduct the business of the church.  The Senior Pastor may call special Meetings of the Church Leadership Team. When possible, Notices for the calling of such special meetings shall be given at least three days prior.  The Senior Pastor or his designee shall serve as the facilitator for meetings. 

Church Wide Business Meetings:  The Senior Pastor may call the church into a business meeting at any regular service to dispose of any necessary business. The church will have meetings as needed. The following matters shall be voted on at a previously announced special meeting at the conclusion of a Sunday worship service. (1) Calling a paid ministerial staff member. (2) Amending the Constitution or Bylaws. (3) Major expansion and expenditures. (4) Approval of the annual church budget.

These matters shall be decided by a majority vote of the members present except for the calling of a Senior Pastor, which shall require a 75% (three-fourths) majority vote. Notification of the above matters shall be announced from the pulpit at least two weeks in advance.

In conducting business meetings, matters arising other than the above shall be conducted under “Robert’s Rules of Order”.


This is a Sovereign and democratic non-denominational church under the Lordship of Jesus Christ. The membership retains unto itself the right of exclusive self-government in all phases of the spiritual and temporal life of this church. The membership reserves the exclusive right to determine who shall be members of this church and the conditions of such membership.

A. Qualifications

Membership candidacy is open to any person who:

a.     has personally and publicly confessed Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior

b.     has received water baptism as a believer

c.      desires to be committed to the church as a local body of believers

d.     has been counseled as to their Christian experience by the Senior Pastor or his designee.

e.      In absentia upon the affirmation of faith in, and commitment to, the Lord Jesus Christ as Savior. A person providentially hindered from attending worship services in person may request membership in any way the church accepts a candidate for membership.

If coming from another church of like faith, by letter, or by statement of their faith and baptism, membership candidacy is granted after being counseled by the Senior Pastor or his designee.

B. Duties

Members are expected to be active, faithful, and obedient in all areas of the Christian life.  They should attend the services of this church, to give regularly to its support, and to participate in its ministries.

C. Rights

Members who are in good standing and at least 13 years old, who are not under any disciplinary action, may act and vote in all transactions of the church.  They shall have full rights and privileges and may participate in the ministries of the church, vote in church business meetings, hold office, and exercise leadership and service as set forth in the Scriptures.  Voting by proxy is prohibited. 

D. Quorum for Membership vote – Those members present and voting at a business meeting or special called business meeting duly noticed and called shall constitute a quorum of the membership for the transaction of business.

Should there be any question that might require prayer, thought, or study, or if there is any dissent as to any candidate, such question or dissent shall be referred to the Senior Pastor for review. Such review shall be acted on within thirty days. A sixty percent vote of those members present and voting shall be required to elect all candidates to membership.

E. Termination – Membership shall be terminated for the following reasons:

Death or transfer to another church or upon request.  Any member may terminate his membership upon request in writing a letter addressed to the church. The church may terminate the membership of any member for the following:

The member’s life and conduct is not in accordance with the ministry of the church in that it hinders the ministry influence of the church in the community or Unrepentant members who continue to cause division in the church body (Titus 3:10-11)

(Procedures for the dismissal of a member shall be according to Matthew 18:15-17)

Any member whose membership has been terminated for any cause may be reinstated by a 75% affirmative vote of the church members present.


New amendments and bylaws shall be adopted upon a 75% vote of the membership of New Day Fellowship Church at a regular or special meeting. As soon as the proposed amendments have been adopted as herein provided, said amendments shall be in full force of effect.  The adoption of these bylaws shall affect a repeal of all previously adopted rules, which are not re-adopted herein.




Baptism:  The church will receive for baptism those who have received Jesus Christ as Savior, have professed Him publicly at a worship service or at other evangelistic opportunities provided by the church, and indicate a commitment to follow Christ as Lord.

Baptism shall be by immersion in water, in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, as a symbol of the person’s salvation.  The Senior Pastor or whomever he shall authorize shall administer baptism.

The Lord’s Supper: The church shall observe the Lord’s Supper as a reminder of the atoning sacrifice of our Lord Jesus Christ. The church shall observe open communion. Open communion is defined as the practice that any scripturally baptized believer in Jesus Christ is welcome to participate in this ordinance.



A. This church is organized exclusively for charitable religious and educational purposes within the meaning of Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (or the corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue Law), including for such purposes, the making of distribution to organizations under Section 501(c)(3).

B. No part of the net earnings of the church shall inure to the benefit of, or be distributable to, its members, Trustees, officers, or other private persons, except that the church shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payments and distributions in furtherance of the purposes set forth in Article II hereof. Notwithstanding any other provision of these articles, the church shall not carry on any other activities not permitted to be carried on by an organization exempt from Federal income tax under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Law.


I. We believe that the Bible as originally given is the inerrant Word of God and is the final authority in all matters of doctrine and practice.

II. We believe in one God eternally existing in three persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

III. We believe in God the Father as the Father of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, and the Father of all who receive the salvation provided through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ.

IV. We believe in the Son of God, who became flesh in the person of Jesus Christ, who was begotten by the Holy Spirit, born of Mary in her virginity, and is true man as well as true God. As such, He willingly died for our sins as a substitutionary sacrifice, was buried and rose the third day bodily from the dead, being seen of many witnesses; He ascended to the Father to continue His intercessory work for believers and shall return bodily and visibly to receive to Himself all believers.

V. We believe in the divine person of the Holy Spirit: in His work of convicting the world of sin and of righteousness and of judgment; in His indwelling every believer, enabling him to gain victory over sin, to receive power for service, and to make known to him the things of God.

VI. We believe in man’s creation in the “image of God”; that man sinned and thereby became spiritually dead and subject to physical death;

VII. We believe that all who receive the Lord Jesus Christ by faith as Savior and Lord are justified in the sight of the Holy God on the grounds of Christ’s shed blood and receive eternal salvation, while those who reject Him are judged to eternal condemnation.